
Kindergarten is a very important time in a child's school career. It is a time when children transition from home to early childhood education. At Zanesville Adventist School it is our goal to guide and teach our Kindergarten students to think, learn, choose, and grow academically, socially, and spiritually. Children come to school at different stages of development, ability levels, and with different prior knowledge. Children learn at different rates and we strive to help each Kindergarten child to develop as fully as possible during their first year of school. 

Our Kindergarten is a 4 day program, from Tuesday through Friday.

Students joining our Kindergarten Class need to be 5 years of age by September 30th of the year of admission.



Developing fine motor skills
Developing fine motor skills



Dramatic play area - Doctor's Office
Dramatic play area - Doctor's Office




Kindergarten Graduation
Kindergarten Graduation



Dramatic play area - Chinese Restaurant
Dramatic play area - Chinese Restaurant




Math practice
Math practice


Letter writing practice
Letter writing practice



Taking part in the Christmas Nativity play
Taking part in the Christmas Nativity play


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